Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Grand Theft Auto... I need my rated M fill!

So, my father decided he'd corrupted my mind already, and now lets me play Grand Theft Auto III for the Playstation 2. I love it. It's really inappropriate, and while I'd love to mention my odd ventures, but I don't exactly know who reads my blog, so I'll keep it to, well, not mentioning anything about it.


  1. LOL i read your blog... whoa can't believe your dad lets you play that game HAHA

  2. I've been playing T games since I was seven, yet I've never actually owned an M game. I've played a game where you go on a bloody killing spree and power up by taking over the dead persons body, and I hate to say it, but it was one of the most fun games I've ever played! LOLZ

  3. Sounds like I'm missing out on some good fun by not playing any games. Someday!

  4. When I was really small, I played T games as long as I could remember. I needed Star Wars.
