Monday, October 19, 2009


I've been feelin' bored lately, though we finally got a new color printer! My Dad hasn't hooked it up yet, like I know how to, and it's really great, considering our older printer may have been pushing 20 years old! Well, I think I will go back to the origin of my name, some digital art. Microsoft Paint, baby! I used to have to just give it a couple 'contour' lines, if that's possible in Pixels, and color it in. Quality, no. Plus I finished 'inspecting' my clay figures, and they didn't live up to my expectations. I'll only put the actually good older ones up. As in, original, original. There aren't many clay figures I'm willing to sell, either due to their lack of quality or, my favoritism.

And I'm up for commissions, and Art Card Trades.

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